Nocturno: Fantasmas de Mar en Puerto


Experimental Documentary Film
DCP 4K / 2:39:1 / colour / 72’ / 2017

‘Longing is the agony
of the nearness of the distant.’
– Martin Heidegger


After more than two months relentlessly fishing shark in the South Atlantic open waters, the ILHA BRAVA docks in the port of Montevideo, Uruguay, fulfilling its cyclical routine. Senegalese, Indonesian and Galician crew-members follow the chore and wait inside this small vessel until they are called upon the rough dark chasms of the sea again. All an endless story of shadows and ghosts unable to reach and caress a haunting dream of home that comes back to life every time they step foot on solid land, a land not their own.


Written & Directed Álvaro F. Pulpeiro

Produced A Cuarta Parede Films, Laura C. Solano, Víctor Paz

Cinematography Mauricio Reyes Serrano

Editing Gael Carvallo Seará, Rafa P. Fidalgo

Sound Design & Final Mix Tomas Blazukas

With the support of AGADIC, NFTS


– Development LAB ARCHÉ DocLisboa 2016

– WIP Screening NYU Tisch Department of Cinema Studies, sponsored by Cinema Tropical & Encrucijadas, 2017

– Wolrd Premiere FICX Gijón International Film Festival, Llendes Competitive Selection, 2017

– International Premiere EIFF Edinburgh International Film Festival, Official Documentary Selection, 2018

– Screening Nite Owl Cinema, Miami, FL 2018

– Screening Cine Tonalá, Mexico City, MX 2019

– Screening Cines Zumzeig, Barcelona, SP 2019

– Screening CINETECA, Madrid, SP 2019

– Screening Cinemas NUMAX, Santiago de Compostela, SP 2019