Sol Mihi Semper Lucet


Experimental Documentary Film
DCP 2K / 16:9 / colour / 16’ / 2015

‘The sunne always shineth upon me.’
– unknown


The fragile light of dusk and dawn fall over dry fields and wide empty streets. Only traces of human presence can be perceived. We are somewhere in Texas, barren indifferent landscapes contrast with the intimacy of voices recollecting distant memories from a past that seems to be getting closer after every word. In the end, we may ask: Why is there beauty in the sky after the sun sets if darkness will inevitably consume it into nothingness?


Written & Directed Álvaro F. Pulpeiro

Produced Hermógenes Carlos, Hugo Fernández Balseiro, José G. Pulpeiro

Cinematography Álvaro F. Pulpeiro

Edited Martín Amézaga

Sound Design Tomas Blazukas

Sound Editing Pete Gummerson

Music Richard Strauss

Sales & Distribution  GONELLA Productions


– Wolrd Premiere Play-Doc Tui International Film Festival, Galician Selection, 2015

– International Premiere Porto Post/Doc International Film Festival, 2015

– Curtocircuito International Film Festival, Planeta GZ, 2015

– Alcances International Film Festival, Official Selection, 2015

– L’Alternativa Barcelona International Film Festival, 2015